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Caltech Postdoctoral Association

Welcome to the Caltech Postdoc Association website!

The Caltech Postdoctoral Association (CPA) seeks to foster a sense of community, provide resources for career and personal development, and provide a framework for representation on campus and in the local community for postdoctoral scholars from all departments of the Institute.

We, at CPA, are all postdocs volunteering to organize events and provide support. We are always happy to have people join our team. Contact us by filling in the CPA Volunteer Form.

We get financial support from the Office of the Provost and the Postdoctoral Scholars Office. Furthermore, we raise money from the divisions and other offices at Caltech to support special events and initiatives. If you are interested in collaborating with us please get in touch writing to CPA e-mail.

Keep your eyes open for the following events advertised on our mailing list:

  • Weekly coffee hours, Cool Beans in collaboration with ISS
  • Weekly CPA Writing Group Sessions
  • Bi-weekly seminars with free lunch, Caltech Postdocs L(a)unch
  • Monthly Diversity Meetings
  • Monthly socials with free food and drinks
  • Special non-regular events

Please let us know in the CPA suggestion box what you miss and would like to implement with CPA!

For campus resources, look here.

Stay in touch!

*The link to subscribe to the mailing list is only available from Caltech/JPL IP addresses. You can also subscribe via email: Send a blank email to with the subject "subscribe".

To unsubscribe from CPA-Announcement via email, send a blank email to with the subject "leave".

If you are facing difficulties in receiving CPA Announcements, contact CPA Communication Chair.