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Science for March

Science for March 2019

Saturday March 16, 2019, 10am-3pm
Beckman Mall , Eventbrite

~2,500 attendees, 220 presenters and volunteers, 100+ interesting science activities from all Caltech divisions, 10 great TED-style talk and 39 outreach groups from Caltech/JPL and beyond.

Caltech Science for March 2019 was possible due to the efforts of 13 main organizers from CPA, CTLO, GSC, TACIT, JPL and CPA STEM for families program:

Amir Behbahani (CPA), Nikolai Lauk (CPA/CPA STEM for families), Ulrich Herget (CPA), Carolyn Ladd (CPA), Mehmet Ogut (CPA), Stephanie Breunig (GSC), Kavya Sudhir (GSC), Ana Helena de Oliveira Lobo (GSC), Amira Sheikh (JPL researcher), Kathryn (Kitty) Cahalan (CTLO), Anushree Sengupta (CISC and CPA STEM for families), Brian Brophy (TACIT) and Eugenia Khorosheva (CPA/CPA STEM for families, the lead Caltech Science for March 2019 organizer).

II. Photos and YouTube videos ( will add to the cpa site):

Links to the recorded TED style talks:


Our Banner 1, Our Banner 2

TED talks 1 - TED talks 2 - TED talks 3 - TED talks 4 - TED talks 5

Booths 1.- Booths 2 - Booths 3 - Booths 4 - Booths 5
Solar telescopes:
JPL Rover model:

Optics and insects wings 1 - Optics and insects wings 2

III. Acknowledgements

We thank Caltech administration for supporting this event!

Thank you everyone in Caltech (postdocs, graduate students, faculty, research scientists, CTLO, TACIT, facilities, communication, buildings and Beckman mall coordinators, dining, security, everyone else) for being supportive, friendly and for providing your help.

We also thank Alex Siegel for the CSFM 2019 T-shirt design and Amira Sheikh for the CSFM 2019 logo design.

We thank all our volunteers, booth presenters, and those who presented a talk. The event was possible only because of your input and participation.

CPA CSFM 2019 organizers