Coffee & Career
Join us for the Coffee & Career on every first and third Tuesday of the month from 3:30 till 4:30 pm in Little Chandler (next to Red Door).
For this event we invite speakers from industry and academia to chat about their work life, application process,
hiring process, entrepreneurship, start-ups, and other topics that you would like to know something about.
Past speakers were for example Marie Csete (Independent Consultant), Pam Wiedenbeck (Plans Made Perfect), Mike Giardello (Mount Wilson Ventures), and many more!!
Upcoming events will be announced in the CPA Digest and as separate email on the day of the event. Sign up for the announcement list.
Suggestions for speakers or companies.

Coffee and career with Mario Munich, 04/11/2019
Caltech Alum Mario Munich shared his experience going from his Ph.D. to a startup that failed and then to a small successful company. Addressed transferable skills, what is he looking for now that he is on a hiring position, career trajectories within his current company, pros and cons of working on a smaller company, and hiring non-U.S. citizens among others.
Dr. Mario Munich is the senior vice president of iRobot, a global consumer robot company whose vacuum cleaning robot `Roomba' has become a household name. Before joining iRobot, Mario was the CTO of Evolution Robotics, a company specializing in computer vision, localization and autonomous navigation. Evolution Robotics was acquired by iRobot in 2012. Mario received his BS from Universidad Nacional de Rosario in 1991 and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Caltech in 2000.

Coffee and career with Erin Burkett, 04/09/2019
STEM writing specialist Dr. Erin Burkett joined Caltech Postdoc Association for a conversation over coffee with postdocs and graduate students in the Little Chandler today to discuss her career in scientific communication and offer great resources to help with scientific writing. The Caltech writing center offers one-on-one tutoring sessions to work on most types of writing and presentation in your scientific careers, such as job applications, grant proposals, scientific papers, degree theses, presentations, and even webpages. Erin went on to share more details of writing science such as reverse outlining, framing for the right audience, using concrete examples, and tying relevant background together to make a nice introduction. Please note that the writing center will be closed for the summer, so plan to have your work looked at accordingly. Meanwhile, there may be a summer class on scientific writing offered, so keep your eyes open.
Learn about the tutoring service at Hixon Writing Center at