Get Involved!
Interested in advocating for the Postdoc Community?
Get involved in the Caltech Postdoctoral Association (CPA)! The CPA organizes a variety of social and career development events for the Caltech postdoc community and advocates for postdoc-specific issues within the campus administration.
Your contribution can be big or small. It can be as little as helping out with a few events, planning and organizing an event you like, or as much as serving on our Governing Board. We are always excited to hear about new event ideas!
Serving on the CPA is an excellent way to network with postdocs on campus and provide great service to the campus community that will also beef up your Resume/CV. Preferably, we are looking for someone who could commit to be on the board for at least 1 year.
If you are interested in getting involved with the CPA, either as a member or just helping out at individual events, email the governing board members in the Meet the CPA Tab.